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Best 25 chicken breeds for eggs.
Menorca (120 eggs), catalana (150 eggs), Maran’s (150 eggs), Orloff (150 eggs), Araucana (160 eggs), Campine (160 eggs), Penedesenca (160 eggs), Czech Gold Brindle (160 eggs), Welsummer (160 eggs), Fayoumi (160 eggs), Lakenvelder (160 eggs), Andalusian (165 eggs), Sicilian Buttercup (180 eggs), white faced black Spanish (180 eggs), Barnevelder (180 eggs), Braekel (200 eggs), Russian White (200 eggs), Kraienkoppe (200 eggs), Easter egger (210 eggs), Norwegian Jaerhone (215 eggs), Ancona (220 eggs), Hamburg (220 eggs), Asturian Painted Hen (250 eggs), Ameraucana (250 eggs), Leghorn (300 eggs)